Dell Service Tag


The Dell soap API now returns a HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable so the code listed below no longer functions.

Dell provide an alternative method to retrieve the information via a REST API. Please search for Dell Support Services APIs for more details.

A simple call can be made via the following link: (Note that you will need to register with Dell to get an apikey to use this service.){svctags}&apikey={apikey}

Here is an example of how to call the Dell Service Tag GetAssetInformation web service so that you can retrieve information about your server. It simply returns the results in an xml format, however if anyone has any ideas or requests please feel free to ask.

updated: changed to

Usage Examples:
Get-DellAssetInformation “MyTag”

Function Get-DellAssetInformation{
Param([String]$ServiceTag = $(Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_Bios").SerialNumber);
	$AssetService = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri "";
	$ApplicationName = "AssetService";
	$Guid = [Guid]::NewGuid();
	$Asset = $AssetService.GetAssetInformation($Guid,$ApplicationName,$ServiceTag);
	$Writer = New-Object "System.IO.StringWriter";
	$XmlSerializer = New-Object System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer($Asset.GetType());
	[String]$Result = $Writer.ToString();
	Return $Result;
	Write-Host $($_.Exception.Message);	




5 responses to “Dell Service Tag”

  1. Hi, is the web service to look up the service tag for dell still working? I tried to use it in a etl transformation plugging in the guid, application name and service tag but it would not retrieve me anything?!!

    1. Just tested it and it still works yes

  2. John Avatar

    It appears that the website does not work anymore. Maybe they changed again. Running the script gives a 503 error

    1. I tried it and it was working, then retried and it was 503 for me. I would leave it a bit and try again later.

  3. It looks like that is it for the SOAP API. You will need to register for an API key to access the REST API.

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