Tag: Disk

  • Get-VolumeFreeSpace

    Here is an example function to return free space remaining on a volume with associated details. Updated 27/04/2012 to fix mount points. Usage Examples: Get-VolumeFreeSpace|ft Get-VolumeFreeSpace|Select ComputerName,Name,MountPoint,FreeSpaceGiB|ft Get-VolumeFreeSpace|Where-Object {!$_.SystemVolume}|Select ComputerName,Name,MountPoint,FreeSpaceGiB|ft Get-VolumeFreeSpace “ComputerA”,”ComputerB” |ft

  • Delta and Cumulative IO Stats

    Checking IO statistics has always been one of the most important metrics for any DBA. It is no surprise that most people I know will have some version of the following two scripts that use the dmv sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats (Transact-SQL). The dmv itself is a cumulative view of your IO, therefore in order to get a particular…